Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The big news all over the place is everyone from Alex Jones to Chris Mathews talking about NSA spies to the phone tapping style. The now reports of the DHS buying riot gear in preparing for a possible uprising. Then you have this Snowden character coming in and everyone saying well Bradley Manning is different because WikiLeaks made us all look like scum bags where the Snowden guy makes Barry Obama look like a scum bag. Phones being tapped and this started with W not Barrack Obama. DHS is also buying some gear because the American people are ticked. Once again Whistleblowers don’t have a great record with whistle blowers. Alex Jones and Chris Mathews are all on the same page with this NSA and spying stuff. Chris Mathews knows that he is screwed as well as people like Alex Jones have been yelling for years about people like Obama with his craziness. However I like folks like Michael Savage and Bill Maher have brought up the fact that Bush did all this spying and NSA and phone tapping and all and no one really had much to say on this. Phone tapping is something the folks in the Bush Admin made cool. Yes hell let’s face it, if you thought Clinton and Regan and anyone else has not been paying attention and spying, you’re a jerk and should go die in a fire. I would like to bring up Richard Nixon; hell this dude wire tapped the crap out of everyone. Phone tapping is the old school way of doing things and believe me it’s nothing new. DHS riot gear is what brings us to what is getting set to happen, I think this whole NDAA law that got passed. You have the cracking on the phones and you have all the nonsense with people like Snowden and others. Let’s think now about Riot gear, if they did not believe there was an uprising coming you got to think they know there is something coming and it could be quicker than they all thought. You have anonymous and then you have Occupy Wall Street coming up and now you got a shooting match. DHS posted on June 10th on GSN reports and this is what we are looking at, - 111 Centurion CPX2500 Soft Shell Riot Control System upper body and shoulder protection, which must “effectively protect the torso and shoulders from blunt force trauma.” - 123 Centurion TPX200 thigh/groin protection systems “designed for blunt trauma protection during riot control situations,” said the solicitation. The gear “protects the thigh area and has an adjustable and removable groin protector.” - 110 Hatch TS70 Centurion hard shell shin guards, which must provide “substantial protection from flying debris. Non-ballistic weapons, and blows to the leg.” - 189 MaxPro-Police riot helmets, which have a “high impact molded half shell helmet with integral visor and neck protector.” Bradley Manning and Snowden are no different, even if people like Michael Savage believes they are. Bradley Manning was looked upon as a scum bag and he was leaking info to make the President and the folks alongside Obama look like a clown but he also was exposing the USA Gov. along with others look like a bunch of clown shoes. Bradley Manning is bringing you stuff like War crimes and other things that the USA did to make the Government look like a bunch of war criminals. However Snowden is looking like a hero. Snowden looks like a big time deal because he exposed Obama and his minions as the evil empire that folks like Rush and Hannity have been preaching for years about. Finally I want to address that this whole thing is more interesting than an episode of Big Brother TV. I may be jaded and I may be a guy who is not threated as much. I will say I hear ya on the oh no they are invading our privacy. Here is the moral of this story, you don’t like having your privacy violated? Go off the grid, my mother hates Facebook and does not want privacy or anything violated. Guess what she does not have an account. Then you have folks going, “Oh no they are violating our rights by searching our calls.” If they really care about my phone calls to people to book guests and or book my concerts for the cause events? I guess knock yourself out, if you’re looking for nonsense like you’re going to find, get ready to phone bank all the nonsense. Jiggy Jaguar

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Weekly Rant: The RETURN of Nastiness{5/5/2013}

RITZ and Jiggy Jaguar at The Cotillion in Wichita KS

I have been away from writing this column for about a year or more to be exact. I have missed it, I know some of my close friends have even remarked that I have toned it down over the last few years. However those days are done and over with, as I have returned to this space. No I am not planning on throwing bombs and throwing people under the bus. What am I saying? If it was not that it would not be the Weekly Rant. So we have the God smack fired up and I am ready to rant kids.

This week I am going to return ranting and raving with something that I have not done in a long while and that’s attacking the local media. I am not going to go after Thomas Lamb and the Sinful crew, so please hold those emails off.{At least for a few columns} No, I am talking about the folks in the MAINSTREAM media. Yes kids, the Mainstream media the newspapers, radio,etc. Now I have over the last year or so made the transition to the Hutchinson Kansas media scene. I have also become more accumulated to the Wichita KS scene. Now I still maintain a crew in the Salina KS area but I am not gonna whack at them either. I am also not going to whack at the fringe media as I have grown to call them, they are like fans but not like Anne The Fan from Afresh.

Lets look at the folks in Salina Kansas and the Hutch media. Now I have friends at Eagle Communications in Hutchinson and Salina Kansas. However for the sake of argument at this time, lets stick with the Hutchinson media. I have good friends at Hutchinson News here in H town{as the urban thugs would say}. Hell they even helped out with which I am greatly happy for. However the problem here lies with my pal Gary “Cream” Demuth at the Salina Journal. Oh hell I can't talk smack on Gary he always been fair to us. Let's go lodge some bombs at KSAL radio in Salina Kansas, the boys over there are easy to pick on, so lets go for it. Lets start with,.....Dang? I cant go after them either? What the hell is wrong with me? I can not seem to lodge any bombs at anyone this week.

Finally have I lost the ball here or I have my mind just lost it's timing for being nasty? I have been away from this for too long, I have a open space here I need to fill and I can not seem to go after anyone? Maybe Dutch's Cousin Chris is right, maybe I am just nothing but a damn gimmick? Good lord what have I done here? I should be saying things like, “C from the Sinful Sisters is a failure at concert events and should give it up.” I should be saying things like, “Gary Demuth got heat on him from the Salina Journal for not doing his job, when our staff continues doing his job on writing about local entertainment events in Salina & Hutchinson Kansas.” I just can not bring myself to say nasty things like, “When is In The Now Magazine going to release that issue with Morgan Wilk on the cover?” Or how about that “Media Exclusive” Thomas Lamb had with The Black Crowes or the interview with the Front man from Sound garden, that no one had access to?” However I just can not bring myself to say any of those nasty horrid things? Hell I guess come back next week and I may have something bad and nasty to write about?

Jiggy Jaguar 5/5/2013